2011 Mentorship Program – Testimonies

During the course of the Mentorship’s candid conversations and email exchanges, I am humbled and inspired by Clang’s willingness to share.

His heart truly knows no boundaries. I have learned well through his openness and honesty.

Clang’s acute observations and advice have aided me vastly in my work and thought processes. These ideas will continue to influence and guide me, I’m sure, in ways I do not always expect. His lessons are always simple yet far-reaching. He possesses the ability to immerse himself into the worlds of others, into our private feelings and experiences, as though reading our fortunes through our images. In this way, he affirms who we are, giving us the strength to take charge of our artistic growth.
- Alecia Neo


雖然是偶然機遇下認識了Clang, 但我非常感謝Clang在這段期間不斷地鼓勵和啓發我。透過這樣的計畫,我再也不會覺得在創作的路上倍感孤獨和無助, 即使事實上選擇走這條路勢必是會經過一連串的孤獨和挫折。而我也謝謝Clang以及在這個計畫裡的所有年輕藝術家, 透過一連串的談話,提醒我必須時時重新檢視自己是誰,雖然看似簡單實則困難, 而這樣的課題將終其一生不斷地圍繞著自己。創作和拍照是反映自我的一種表現,透過這樣的對話, 可以不斷地抽絲剝繭,不斷地與他人溝通分享, 就如同在計畫中與大家一起談話般。感謝大家時時提醒著我 – 終其一生千萬別忘記一開始對於選擇創作和拍照的初衷!
- Ali


Having participated in Clang’s mentorship program, I gained so many insights and countless valuable experience which opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of the so-called art world. The lessons Clang shared gave me time to think deeper in different angles, which in turn allow me to explore into the places I haven’t yet managed to reach in the past.

Clang’s mentorship program gave us privileges as mentees. I feel lucky to have the rare opportunities to talk to the guest lecturers during the program (i.e. the professional people in the industry). They shared with us many valuable things not easily accessible outside the mentorship program.

Clang has an undying passion for art; always looks for ideas and the other sides of every little thing. When I talk to him, he never judges me, be it a ’stupid question’ or the most absurd question ever; he never shot me down. I feel that I can always learn something new every time we have a conversation. He would always try to make us think in different shape, size and color. He inspires me to find myself and my ‘truth’.

He is a teacher that I can always learn from and look up to; a friend that would share, listen and care; a person that I could trust and count on.

This program has taught me what I need to reach to my goal, as well as surviving in it; while John, he has taught me to be a person who lives.
- Debbie Tea